What we do

Er. Ashish Puri
Specialisation & Qualification


I want to tell you about the practical aspect of Palmistry. The shape of our hands and the lines on our palms are directly connected to our brain, and these lines are always changing according to our thoughts and decisions.Our hands hold a map of our life and they help guide us in the right direction. They tell our life story and help bring clarity, inspiration, motivation and self-empowerment into our life.Our hands can teach us many things about our self including our talents, gifts, careers, relationships, emotions, thoughts, opportunities, challenges, obstacles and much more.I would like to help you understand the map of your life that is written on your hands through my art of Palmistry. We read and study all the lines on the palm and then give the predictions.
Please note that Palmistry is a practical science and it is very accurate through which we can tell about all the events in the life whether it is past or present or future. We does this by reading the lines on the palm and also seeing the mounts as well as the fingers. We need to see the shape and the size and the various signs on the palm. By making correct judgement of the lines and the effect of those lines on the other things and vice versa, we can give the accurate palm reading so that we can go in the right direction and make suitable changes that are desired. This is the way the Palmistry works. A good Palmist can prepare the road map of your complete life by getting into the smaller details and correlating it with your present life that is going on.
There is one important aspect of Palmistry that is quite interesting to know. By Palmistry we can know about our destiny and that is really important as we need to know why we are here on earth and for what specific purpose. Sometimes we live a life which has no aim or goal and this approach is not good as the whole life is wasted without any specific goal so we need to know about our destiny. By palm analysis, we can get this thing and then we need to live our life in that way that matches with our destiny. If we work against our destiny then definitely we will suffer. Because destiny is made by God and working against our destiny means that we are challenging the decisions of the God. Therefore we must go with the flow. Also, we need to know whether we are working in compliance with our destiny or not. We can judge this also. If the things change in a postive direction by doing some work then it is our destiny and vice versa. Destiny is so strong that if work in that direction we succeed. If we go against our destiny then definitely we will suffer. I always tell about the destiny because that is the MOST IMPORTANT thing in the palm. If we cannot tell about the destiny of a person then the palm reading is definitely incomplete.

Face Reader

Face Reading give some insight about the personality of a person and tell about his behaviour and other related aspects and few things about the past, present and future. It is important to have such knowledge as we will be able to make important decisions like relations, Money, trust, etc. By reading the face, we can make easy decisions like whether we must continue the relationship or whether we can give the money or whether we trust the person in job or work or other related aspect. So overall it helps us in knowing the real personality of a person and helps us make the right decisions in our life.
Through Face Reading we can tell about the people that are entering in your life and the purpose of their entrance and also the time of their entrance. It is very deep knowledge and it is important to know who is entering, when they are entering and for what purpose they are coming so that we can take advantage of the unknown situation before hand. For how long they will stay in your life, we can detect that also.

Black Magic Remedy

Black energy (black magic) is very dangerous as it creates an aura of negative energy around the body of a person and restricts the entrance of the positive energy and a person suffers heavily from its deadly effects. Black energy (black magic) creates health issues, create the disturbance in the mind and the heart, develops anxiety and also generates excessive energy in the body that is not required at all. When the person suffers from the black magic, the person tends to loose control on himself/ herself and do wrong actions like suicide, Wrong deeds, etc. Black magic is done by the people who have their special motives. Get remedy of black magic from us.

Spiritual Healer

Spiritual healing means we practice certain techniques in the form of mantras or activities or meditation or positive thoughts and other methods so that we get strong with time and we heal our problems. Since this is Spiritual healing so we will be practising certain mantras, activities, thoughts and meditation to get the healing power. Healing itself means that the person will be practising and developing such things for a longer duration of time. Healing takes longer time but the result is guaranteed for sure.
There are different types of healing available but I will provide you the Spiritual healing, simply because it is connected to God. It will take you more closer to the God. Spiritual Healing is a strong technique by which we kill the negative energy or the black energy that is present in the body of a person and it develops or creates the positive energy within a person. A person feels confident, positive and energetic.
Spiritual Healing is a long process and it heals the person and the problems related to it with respect to time. Time is always a key as the big problems cannot be solved in a very short time. It can also crush and destroy the strong black magic that is done on a person. Black magic creates an aura around the body of a person and restricts the entrance of the positive energy and a person suffers heavily from the negative energy so the healing breaks the aura of the black magic and creates an aura of positive energy.

Dream Interpreter

Each one of us see a dream in the night and some people remember it while some fail to do so. A dream is an integral part of your life and it indicates towards the event that will happen in our life in the near future and in our dreams we foresee our future. So we must know the meaning of the dreams that are coming in the night as we get mentally prepared for our future
Dreams are the events that will happen in our life in the near future. Things that we desire or see or want in our daily life comes in our dream then it will not give any result or I can say that it has no meaning at all. Only things which we see in our dreams as some unexpected thing or we are not thinking of it usually will have a meaning and will be true in the coming time.

Motivational Speaker

Motivational speaker motivates the people in a right direction and uplifts the confidence and self esteem of a person and a person moves towards the ultimate goal of harmony, integrity and love. Motivation in life is very necessary as we cannot live our life without encouragement and a person cannot achieve goals in the life without sufficient motivation.
There are different techniques of motivating people and I’m motivating the people by my exclusive and vast knowledge in the field of karma theory which is the source of all the knowledge. I discuss about the karma which a person have to do in their life and show them the right path in order to live a successful and happy life which is full of joy, peace, love and happiness.

Spiritual Leader

Leader is a person who leads the group of a people towards a particular desired goal by motivating them and showing them the right path. Leader has some exceptional qualities which make him/her special.
I’m leading the group of people on the social sites and in my local place and giving them the right guidance and changing their life in a positive direction by my special skills in the field of Palmistry, Face Reading, Dream Interpretation and Spirituality.

Karma Theory Expert

I see that all the people are suffering in the world not because of the diseases and other things like jealousy, greed, etc. But they are suffering badly by their bad karmas, either in this life or their previous lives. We need to understand the karma theory and need to know what we should do in your life. What is our mission and which actions to perform and which to reject. That is all about the karma.

Er. Ashish Puri

I am Changing the life of the people in a positive direction by helping and guiding them through my special skills and abilities in the field of Palmistry, Face Reading, Spiritual Healing, Karma Theory, Spirituality and Dream Interpretation.