
Er. Ashish Puri

March 25, 2020

Negative Effect of Rahu 2020

Hi my all dear friends, Earlier at the start of this new year 2020, I predicted about the negative effect of Rahu for this complete year and what he will do in this year 2020. Right now it is happening exactly the same as he has superceded all the planets except Mars. All the planets are affected so much and they are under the tight grip of Rahu. Mercury is […]
November 4, 2018

Karma and Spirituality

Hi my all dear friends, A lot of people talk about spirituality with different interpretations but I think that they missed it out completely. They really don’t know what is spirituality and that is quite surprising. Spirituality is all together different thing and a rare feeling a person has. When a person gets fully and directly connected to God with no intermediate then that person is on the right path […]
November 4, 2018

Karma Theory

Hi my all dear friends, The Karmic people has divided the entire world. So according to me, the entire world is divided into the real (unmaterialistic) world and the unreal (materialistic) world. Ironically both the world are made by human only. It will be good to live in a real world as all the things will be real like real friends, true feelings, positive thoughts, loyalty, respect and a person […]
November 1, 2018

Karma and Spirituality

Hi my all dear friends, A lot of people say that both the karma and spirituality are the same but they can never be the same as there is a huge difference between the two. Karma is what we are doing according to our desires, ambitions, thoughts and few karmas are done based on human malfunctions like jealousy, greed, lust, money and others. Few people do bad karma while few […]